Thursday, June 19, 2014

Updates - The Journey Begins..

So I haven't posted in a while - it has been SO hectic! I moved into my apartment, and began my management internship at Hollywood Studios! I LOVEEE it so far! I have just done in costume training in my location, and will be in training for about a month before I'm leading a team on my own. This is just a quick update - so I hope to update again soon.

Have a Magical Day!
Christina :)

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Just Checking In...

Hi Everyone!

So I'm just writing a post as the days wind down to my arrival in Disney. It's crazy to think that I only have 25 days until I leave for Florida. I've booked the auto train and am now in the process of packing. I can't even begin to explain my excitement and anxiety. This role is everything I've ever dreamed of, and when your dreams come true it's actually very scary! I won't have much else to post about, but I'm sure I'll write some more posts when I'm all moved in and checking in for my program!

See Ya Real Soon!!


Monday, April 28, 2014

My Location!

So I got a call this morning from a 407 number but I couldn't pick it up because I was at work. I got a voicemail from Ellen who is an Area Manager at.....


I can't even begin to express my excitement. I'm going to be working the right block which is strollers, package pick-up, all the way down the Sorcerer's Hat. (the right side of stores as you enter Hollywood Studios) I spoke with Ellen after I got out of work and she gave me some more details about our duties, and let me know I would start location training on 6/15. :) This was my first choice of parks above all, and I'm so happy this is going to be my new home! :) On a side note, I got approved for an apartment today as well so it looks like everything is coming together! I know I won't be posting for a while until I'm getting ready to leave. So until then, See Ya Real Soon!

Christina :)

Friday, April 25, 2014

A BIG change!

So just when I thought things couldn't get any better..they have! Wednesday afternoon, I received a voicemail from Cayley at Disney Professional Recruiting while I was at work asking me to give her a call back because she had a few questions about my Fall Internship. I was REALLY nervous because I was thinking maybe something went wrong with my acceptance. I called Cayley back and got her back on the phone. She went over all the information that Randy did with me, and said "You accepted the Guest Experience Services Internship, is that correct?" and I said yes. Then Cayley says "Well, I'm about to make your life a little more difficult because I'm giving you a SECOND offer!! We are really happy to tell you that you have been selected for the Management Internship in Retail!" I almost fainted! I had stopped checking my dashboard because I thought all the offers for the Retail MI had already gone out! I immediately accepted the new role. I'm just so thrilled - and cannot wait to find out my location! :) Below are my congratulations email, my dashboard, and my welcome to the team email!

It was such an honor to get one offer, and the fact that I got two offers (and this one being my DREAM ROLE) is such an amazing gift. It's so surreal still. The second I know my location, so will you! :) See Ya Real Soon!

Christina :)

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


As you can see from the title...I GOT THE OFFER FOR THE ALUMNI ONLY: GUEST EXPERIENCE SERVICES INTERNSHIP!!! I cannot explain how happy I am! :) I got a call from Randy at Casting at exactly 10 am this morning. He went through a bunch of HR questions with me, and then asked that lastly I take his number down in case I had any questions on next steps. I was a little concerned because I thought I wasn't getting the offer, when he goes: "Ok, you have the number down?" and i said yes, and he goes "Ok I wanted you to write that down while you were still calm, because I'm making you an offer!" and I started FREAKING OUT! He went over my offer details with me - pay rate, main gates etc. Then he said "I want you to do 3 things: 1) Keep my number in case you have any questions. 2) Welcome Back to the Disney Family!! and 3) Get off the phone so you can call all your family and friends!" He made my day with how excited he was for and with me! :)  Below is my dashboard, my congrats email, and my Welcome to the Team email :

I'm so excited and so anxious all at the same time! Good luck to everyone still waiting to hear! Now I can actually say that I WILL See Ya Real Soon! :)

Christina :)

Sunday, April 13, 2014


Soooo- after my super melancholy post on Thursday... I left work Friday and while getting into my car, I saw I had an email..AND IT WAS FROM DISNEY!!! They emailed me to schedule a brief phone call regarding my application! (This is a GREAT sign that an offer is on it's way!) The earliest I could schedule my phone call is Tuesday at 10am and luckily I'm off from work that day! This is the email I received:

My dashboard now looks like this for my Guest Experience Services drop down:

I now also have a separate drop down for "Prof Intern Callback RG":

I'm about 99% positive that an offer will be coming my way on Tuesday! Keeping my fingers crossed and my hopes high! Thank you to everyone who has taken the time out to read along as my journey unfolds. I appreciate it so much. Until Tuesday, See Ya Real Soon! :)

Christina :)

Thursday, April 10, 2014

This process is so draining!

I'm feeling particularly melancholy today - so I figured I'd write a post to get some of my thoughts down on virtual paper. (Haha I thought I was clever!) It's been ten days since my call with GES, and a bunch of people on the Facebook group got offers for the Retail MI. (My dashboard is still in interview stage). While the MI was a reach for me, I'm feeling like it's safe to say I didn't get it. I'm not horribly disappointed because I really love everything about GES! Not everyone that got the drop down was given a call like I was so I definitely feel honored - I'm just ready to find out if I got it or are NLIC. (No Longer In Consideration) I know someone in the FB group that got the call confirmed with their interviewer that GES has to have their decisions into casting by April 11 (WHICH IS TOMORROW YAY!) but casting can call anytime from tomorrow up until the deadline of May 2! With that being three weeks away, I'm realizing just how much of a toll this process takes on you!  I'm truly thankful to have made it this far, many people have gotten NLIC and I haven't - and that's what is keeping me positive. Thinking that I applied January 27, and going into the third month of this process - I look back on my posts and feel that it's gone so quickly, yet so slowly at the same time. In the grand scheme of things - three weeks is NOTHING to gripe about, so after I post this - I'm going to stay as positive as possible! (That's normally how I am, just once in a while I feel a little anxious and overthink my interviews and drive myself a little crazy.) Hopefully I will know more by next week. So thank you to everyone who has been reading- (550 views as of today! Woohoo!) and until I know more, See Ya Real Soon! :)

Christina :)