Monday, April 28, 2014

My Location!

So I got a call this morning from a 407 number but I couldn't pick it up because I was at work. I got a voicemail from Ellen who is an Area Manager at.....


I can't even begin to express my excitement. I'm going to be working the right block which is strollers, package pick-up, all the way down the Sorcerer's Hat. (the right side of stores as you enter Hollywood Studios) I spoke with Ellen after I got out of work and she gave me some more details about our duties, and let me know I would start location training on 6/15. :) This was my first choice of parks above all, and I'm so happy this is going to be my new home! :) On a side note, I got approved for an apartment today as well so it looks like everything is coming together! I know I won't be posting for a while until I'm getting ready to leave. So until then, See Ya Real Soon!

Christina :)

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