Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Disney Professional Internships: Your Application

So I know it's been a little while since my last post, but after the phone screen I knew it would be a while before any changes or updates would be made to the dashboard. Today, there was some movement however! I received a background check email! I'm a bit confused because I know you normally don't receive a background check until much further into the admission process, and normally it's when you already have a drop down for a specific alumni internship. I'm definitely NOT going to complain, just wondering if they're changing up the process a bit this semester!

This is what the email looks like:

And this is what my dashboard looks like right now.

I mean, I'd love for things to start progressing, and I'd love to hear from the MI I applied for. I know of at least one person who was asked to schedule a second phone screen for the MI in retail, so let's hope there's some movement in the next few days!

Until then, See Ya Real Soon! :)


Sunday, February 9, 2014

Phone Interview!

Well yesterday was my phone screen, and I honestly think I did really well. I don't want to list my recruiter's name, but she was an absolute sweetheart. I was asked something along the lines of the following questions:

- I see that you worked as an attractions hostess, what was the most rewarding part of that experience?
- What was the most difficult part?

Then she said she would interview me for my management internship first:

- What qualities do you think a successful leader has?
- Tell me about a time you had a conflict with a guest, how did you manage the situation?
- In a non leadership role, how did you handle a guest conflict by acting as a leader?
What do you hope to gain from an MI?
Tell me about a leadership position you have held.

PI - Alumni Only Questions:

- Why do you want to do a PI?

- What are your top choices for an alumni only PI?
- Why do you want to work in Guest Relations?
- What do you think the Guest Relations role is?
- I see that you applied for two HR related PIs, I see that you're interested in Guest Service, so why apply for HR PIs?
- Disney look questions.
-Do you have any questions?

Overall, I felt that I did a great job. I asked if she thought there was anything I could do to improve upon in my résumé or my interview techniques, and she said my résumé is written very well, and that my interview responses were very detailed and specific which is wonderful. She said she thought I did a great job and did not have any suggestions. It made me feel good to know that she felt I answered the best I could. Now here's to the waiting game! Hopefully I find out about a second interview for the MI sometime soon because those apps close on Friday!! If anyone has any questions on the interview process, please do not hesitate to ask! See ya Real Soon! :)


Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Interview Stage!!

Today, right when I got home from work, my phone buzzed that I had an email. I checked and it was Disney asking me to schedule a time for a phone screen! I was so excited, and was happy to see some movement the day after my application was reinstated!

They had an open interview slot for 10:30pm tonight, but I didn't feel that I had enough time to prepare myself, so I took the next available time which is 12:15pm on Saturday! Now my dashboard is at Interview Stage, and looks like this: 

 I'm taking the next few days preparing myself, but I'll make sure to post how the interview goes! Until then, See Ya Real Soon!


Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Back in the game!

I last left off with my being listed as a no rehire due to costuming, and then waiting to hear back from them. Well, today I decided to call casting because I sent an email to costume recovery a week ago and I still hadn't heard anything. I spoke with a woman at casting and asked if she could check my rehire status, and she let me know the restriction had been removed! I was so happy! Then I had to email professional recruiting to let them know my restriction was removed, and to ask if my application could be reinstated. They emailed me back in less than an hour and let me know that my applications had been reinstated!! I'm so excited! I'm currently "in progress" for my alumni only PI's and "In submission" for an MI Retail! Finally, I can get excited about the Facebook group again, and I'm hoping for a phone screen too! The internships I've applied to so far are:

- Casting Employment Coordinator Associate Internship
- Disney Hollywood Studios Operations Support Internship
- Disney Internships & Programs Service Center Coordinator Internship
- Disney Traditions Internship
- Epcot Operations Support Internship
- Guest Experience Services Internship
- Guest Relations Internship
- Magic Kingdom Project Support Internship

 Management Internship

- Retail

My top 3 are definitely Guest Relations, MI- Retail, and Guest Experience Services. I'm really on that "Quest for the Vest"! Good luck to all throughout this stressful time! See Ya Real Soon!
