Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Disney Professional Internships: Your Application

So I know it's been a little while since my last post, but after the phone screen I knew it would be a while before any changes or updates would be made to the dashboard. Today, there was some movement however! I received a background check email! I'm a bit confused because I know you normally don't receive a background check until much further into the admission process, and normally it's when you already have a drop down for a specific alumni internship. I'm definitely NOT going to complain, just wondering if they're changing up the process a bit this semester!

This is what the email looks like:

And this is what my dashboard looks like right now.

I mean, I'd love for things to start progressing, and I'd love to hear from the MI I applied for. I know of at least one person who was asked to schedule a second phone screen for the MI in retail, so let's hope there's some movement in the next few days!

Until then, See Ya Real Soon! :)


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