Saturday, March 8, 2014

MI - Retail - 2ND INTERVIEW!

So..YAY FOR MOVEMENT! After reading the Facebook group yesterday and seeing all of the potential MIs starting to get calls and emails for a second interview,  I was anxiously waiting for my phone to ring or beep that it had an email. When I didn't get any movement last night, I thought to myself - "Disney has THOUSANDS of applicants, and I'm over here getting antsy that they haven't contacted me just yet? Christina, you need to take a chill pill" And once I thought about that, I started to enjoy the rest of my day and night! I went bowling with some friends, and went shopping with my sister this morning. When I got home from shopping, I opened my email on my phone and there it was! An invitation to schedule a second interview for the MI in Retail!

I'm a little upset because I'll be in Disney from March 21-24, and the options for in person interviews are March 18-19 and 25-26. Oh well, a webcam interview will have to do! Once I scheduled my webcam interview, my dashboard updated! This is what it looks like:

I'm so excited to be considered, and now I'm taking the time to start preparing myself for the interview! Any words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated! (Not that anyone reads this anyway haha) I'll update after the interview is over with how it went! Until then, See Ya Real Soon!

Christina :)

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