Friday, January 31, 2014

Off to a Rocky Start..

So I've had a whirlwind of a week. Unfortunately, I woke up on Tuesday morning with an email from Disney at 2:30 a.m. that said that I was restricted rehire and could not be considered for a position with Disney at this time. Now I was EXTREMELY confused, seeing as I had a perfect record card for my college program, and I was seasonal, but left the company when I could not complete my hours. So I decided to call casting, and was told my restriction was due to a missing costume. I returned my last costume on December 20th by mail (using the prepaid label Disney sent me) so needless to say I'm very concerned. The lovely woman I spoke with at casting said all I would have to do would be to get into contact with costuming, and find out what's going on with the costume. Unfortunately, you can only contact costuming through email, and you have to wait 3-5 business days for a response. I called Professional Internship recruiting, and Jeremiah (who was SO sweet and SO helpful) said that the costume was the only issue on my personnel file, and that once costuming removes the restriction, they will resubmit my application for me.  I'm on day 3 of waiting for a response and I constantly check my phone for an email that has yet to come. Now that people are starting to get phone interviews scheduled, I'm REALLY getting antsy!! I'll update as soon as I know what's going on! See ya real soon!


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