Monday, January 27, 2014

Applications have launched!!

So I woke up this morning to the PI Facebook group going crazy that the applications had been posted. Unfortunately for me, I had to get up to go to work right away, and wasn't going to get home until around 7pm that night. Needless to say, today was forever long. But finally I got home and was able to get to work. After all is said and done, I applied for 9 Alumni Only PIs, more than I wanted to, but I know that I'm qualified for them, so it can't hurt. I didn't apply to any MI's yet, but I am going to submit one for retail tomorrow evening. I'm looking forward to this nerve racking season, and I've already looked at my dashboard twice!! It doesn't even have "submission" on it yet! I wish everyone a great recruitment season, and I'll keep you updated on my progress!

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