Monday, March 31, 2014

Drop Downs!! :)

So this past Friday, (3/28) I noticed the Facebook group was buzzing that people had started to receive drop downs for alumni only positions. A "drop down" is something that occurs when you apply to one general application that has many different internships in it, and when you are being further considered for one of the internships, you receive a separate job drop down in your applications. For example, I applied to the Disney College Program Alumni Only Professional Internship. In this internship application, I had to choose from a list of about 20 or so different internships and put a check mark next to the ones I wanted to be considered for. Well, I hadn't received a drop down, and I really had to stop procrastinating and get ready because I was going to dinner with my sister, her husband, my boyfriend and a few of our friends. In the car with my boyfriend, Mike, on the way to my sister's house, I was telling him that I was getting really antsy because I really wanted a drop down! While I'm explaining this I decide to refresh my dashboard, and sure enough, there is a drop down for the Guest Experience Services Internship! I was ECSTATIC! This is what my dashboard looks like now:

One step closer to going back to Disney! :) I was messaging with a girl from the Facebook group that currently works in Guest Experience Services, and she let me know that the managers received our résumés and are going through them to pick people to give a second interview to, and they'll hire 8 from those interviews. It's really nerve-racking but it makes me really excited to know that progress is definitely being made!!

Also, I decided to go back through last year's Fall Facebook group, and saw that background checks and offers started going out for Retail MIs the late first week and early second week of April! Seeing as April starts tomorrow, this makes me SO EXCITED!!! I'm hoping to hear news from either this week - whether it's an offer, or a second interview! When I know, you'll know! Until then, See Ya Real Soon! :)

Christina :)

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